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Frank Wiercinski

From the Hon. Col. of the Regiment

My Fellow Rakkasans:

I hope this note finds you and your Families safe and well as we pass through yet another Covid year. Jeannine and I also hope you all had a peaceful, restful, and blessed Holiday Season with Family and Friends.

I’d like to take this opportunity to personally thank Bob Harkins, the Rakkasan Association, and especially the Hamburger Hill Chapter for their combined efforts and hard work in preparation for the upcoming Reunion, 15-19 May 2022 at Ft Campbell. This is the 53rd Reunion for our Hamburger Hill Rakkasans, and the 20th Reunion of our Anaconda / OEF 1 / Op APPOLO Rakkasans.

It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Operation Anaconda, with TF Rakkasan as the first US Army Brigade Combat Team in Afghanistan following the terrorist attack on our Country on 9/11. As with all Rakkasans of the past who have so proudly and bravely served our Country in peace and in war, and our current serving Rakkasans, we are all honored to have served…and even more so as Rakkasans. We are all looking forward to conducting another “rendezvous” at this years reunion.

I remember the emotion, renewed friendships, recollections, and pride of watching past Korean War Golden Rakkasans, Vietnam and Hamburger Hill Rakkasans, and Desert Shield and Desert Storm Rakkasans all enjoy the reunion of friends, comrades and families in these special years. Those of us in this 20th Anaconda Reunion look forward to joining that kinship.

We will be proud to be joined by all our TF Rakkasan comrades - from across the 101st, our Canadian brethren from 3 PPCLI, the 1/87th from 10th Mtn Div, and all other supporting elements who made our deployment so successful and served shoulder to shoulder - side by side. We are all Rakkasans!

We are both honored and grateful to the Hamburger Hill Chapter and the Rakkasan Association for their tremendous support and encouragement to join them for this years reunion - that is what being a Rakkasan for life is all about!

I look forward to seeing you all with our active duty Rakkasans this May.

Let Valor Not Fail.


Frank Wiercinski HCOR

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