January marks the start of the reunion planning season for the both the National and Hamburger Hill chapter board members. Some information could possibly change (but not likely) prior to each event, check back often for updates, time changes or new information.
At the moment, there are 3 events the National Association will participate in this year but that number could go up as more gatherings pop up throughout the year. In February, the Snowbird Reunion is hosted by the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of the 101st Airborne Division Association. It is a 4 day event in Tampa, FL.

In May, the Hamburger Hill Chapter will celebrate their 53rd anniversary in Fort Campbell, KY. They will be honoring the 20th Anniversary of Operation Anaconda as they gather to celebrate another year together. In August, the Rakkasan Association will hold the National reunion in conjunction with the 101st Airborne Division Association in Grand Rapids Michigan. Dates, registration for the event, hotel info and details about the National Reunion will be available here after the Snowbird.
Continue Reading for a letter from Association President Bob Harkins and for details about how to register for the Hamburger Hill Reunion.

We will be using the Country Inn and Suites again. The hotel is independently owned and operated under a license agreement with an affiliate of Radisson Hospitality, Inc. Five blocks of rooms have been reserved in the name of the Hamburger Hill / Rakkasan reunion.

You must call the hotel directly to get the reserved room rate for the RAKKASAN GROUP. When you call, tell them you are with the event. Please be aware that the rooms fill up very early so do not delay.
Country Inn & Suites Clarksville
3075 Wilma Rudolph Blvd.
Reservations: 931-444-6623
Front Desk: 931-645-1400
SCHEDULE (Tentative)
Monday, May 16th
Arrival and Registration (Dinner on your own) Hospitality Room Open
Tuesday, May 17th
Golf Tournament
(Lunch on Your Own)
Command Briefing, View Oliver North “War Stories” Video
Brigade Open House
BBQ in Brigade Area
Grand Ole Opry Show (Special ticketed event)
Wednesday, May 18th
Range Firing
Lunch on the Range
Ladies Lunch (Must register for the Ladies Luncheon)
Range Firing (Continued)
Informal Reception with Active-Duty
Thursday, May 19th
Pylon Ceremony
Lunch Dinning Facility
Chapter Meetings
Memorial Dinner
Friday, May 20th
COSTS: Registration $170 Per Person (The cost includes: Hamburger Hill Chapter Dues, Reception, Commemorative Dinner, the spouses luncheon Wednesday, some of the transportation, meeting and hospitality/ballroom room fees). Funds are NOT included for the purchase of refreshments for the hospitality room. Please earmark any donations for the hospitality room operation when you register.

It is very important to all of us that each and every veteran of their time as a Rakkasan whether WWII, Korea, Vietnam 67 to 72, “The Hill”, Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Anaconda, Afghanistan and Iraq be present at one or all of the reunions. We want to see you. If there are financial constraints that may prohibit your attendance, let me know and we will try to arrange assistance. Please let us help.
REGISTRATION: There are two options for registration and sponsorship: First is the traditional check to Mike Smith. PLEASE LET US KNOW YOUR NUMBER OF RESERVATIONS AND FORWARD PAYMENT TO Mike Smith, Hamburger Hill Chapter treasurer. Make checks payable to Weldon F. Honeycutt /Hamburger Hill Chapter.
Mike Smith
Treasurer, Weldon F. Honeycutt /Hamburger Hill Chapter
630 Waverly Avenue
Washington Court House, Ohio 43160
The Second option is online registration or sponsorship. Click here to go directly to ticketing. Please note: if your spouse would like to attend the Ladies luncheon on Wednesday, please add that to your registration selections. There is no extra charge- we need to keep an accurate headcount.
DRESS: Dress is always casual for all events except the Memorial Dinner. The active duty group will be in Dress Blues and it would be nice if we were in business attire (Coat and Tie).
PRIORITY REQUEST: This is the second year we have opened our registration to all Rakkasans. Beat the bushes- there are a lot of our former buddies who still don’t know we exist or that we do this every year! If you know anyone who served as a Rakkasan or alongside us, Artillery, Aviation, let them know they are welcome to the Hamburger Hill Reunion in May, or the National Rakkasan Reunion in August, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
BRIGADE: The 3rd Brigade Combat Team (Rakkasan) and the 3rd Battalion 187th Regiment will be home during the Reunion/ Anniversary. However, supporting our activities is always difficult while continuing their training mission. The Regiment and 3rd Battalion specifically will support this Reunion / Anniversary as best they can. Their efforts are always appreciated.
LADY’S LUNCH: (Wednesday) We will have a special lunch for those that do not want to go to the range. We will need a count of attendees. We also welcome suggestions on how to make this event more beneficial.
SILENT AUCTION: Please contact Mike Smith ( mike@rakkasanassociation.org ) or Rachael Vance ( info@rakkasanassociation.org ) About things you can donate for the silent auction. The items will be displayed and bid on at the Soldier Reception and Memorial Dinner.
DIET RESTRICTIONS: If any attendees to the Reunion have dietary considerations, please indicate when you register. We will need this information no later than 2 weeks prior to the event. We will do our best to see that and they receive a special pre-plated meal for the dinner.
QUARTERMASTER: For Rakkasan Shirts, Hats and decals. Go to: www.rakkasanstore.com (There is a page for Vietnam and custom items can be made on request. For items from Previous Hamburger Hill reunions, contact Mike Smith mike@rakkasanassociation.org ).
GRAND OLE OPRY: On Tuesday evening May 17th there will be a bus to Nashville to attend the Grand Ole Opry. The cost will be $85 per person for transportation and ticket to the event. Bus will leave at 17:00 (Show is at 19:00). There are only 50 tickets available and we sell out of them every year.
GOLF OUTING: Tuesday Morning May 17th we will have a golf outing at the Ft. Campbell Club. It will be a scramble for those that want to Play. Cost $50 each player.
ONLINE INFO: Keep up with the details on the website or at the National Association Facebook or Twitter page. We will be updating monthly until the event. For Anaconda/Apollo Veterans, quick updates and direct questions can also be answered on the Operation Anaconda 20th Anniversary Facebook page