LTG (RET) Francis “Frank” Wiercinski

My Fellow Rakkasans. I believe the highlight for us all these past few months was the opportunity to share your company at our reunion in Illinois with the 101st ABN Div (AASALT). To have RAK 6 and RAK 7 present with us was superb. I don't believe anyone who attended didn’t enjoy the camaraderie, friendship and memories. I would like to personally thank all those who worked so hard to make that event such a success. Prior to the reunion, I had the opportunity to join RAK6 and RAK7 at Ft Campbell for the DMOR / HMOR ceremony and several changes of responsibility throughout the Regiment. For those who could not attend, please know that your Regiment continues to maintain the legacy, pride and honor of the Rakkasans. The respect demonstrated by our Rakkasans today for their Regiment and its long history of courage and valor, was on full display. It was an honor to stand with them, listen to their achievements and reflect on the long lone of Rakkasans before them.
I was asked by RAK6 to conduct a Leadership forum for all the Leaders in the Regiment recounting the Battle of Anaconda in the early days following 9/11, and the Regiments deployment as the first Infantry Brigade sent to Afghanistan following the horrific terrorist attack on our Nation. Our Rakkasans have continued to lead the way as the most deployed Brigade Combat Team in our Army in this long fight against terrorism and in this, our longest War. It is not lost on any of us that next year, we will have Rakkasans in our formation that were not even born on 9/11 - and yet, our all volunteer Army of today continues to join our ranks and serve in defense of our Nation as we have for decades. I am in awe of their valor.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Ft Campbell in May ‘19 as we honor the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of “Hamburger Hill”. I hope many of you can attend to not only join our brothers and sisters, but also honor the valor and courage of the Rakkasans in that historic battle. Until then, Jeannine and I wish you are wonderful Holiday Season, a very Merry Christmas, and a great New Year.
Let Valor Not Fail.
Frank. HCOR