My Fellow Rakkasans. I hope this note finds you all well and looking forward to the upcoming Spring and Summer.
Your Rakkasans have maintained a scorching pace over the Fall and Winter with no signs of holding back anytime soon. RAK 6 and RAK 7 have continued to maintain the hallmark of our Brigade Combat Team with tough, challenging Training, Real World Deployments, Exercises and Testing. All with the intent to stay at the “Cutting Edge” of readiness, while simultaneously supporting the Nation in operations here at home and abroad.
All of this is nothing new for the most “Storied” and most deployed BCT in our Army.
I would ask everyone to read through RAK 6’s update in this Shimbun to get a sample of just how much our young Warrior’s are doing every day. Rakkasans continue to “Stand Watch” in our defense and way of life, just as they have done for decades – each and every one of you can stand proudly and in noble testament to that fact. Across the entire Brigade Combat Team, every unit is either in direct support of ongoing real-world operations or maintaining a high state readiness in preparation for whatever they may be asked to accomplish. And as always, steadfast to our Motto, “Let Valor Not Fail”.
When I have extra time, I enjoy re-reading our Rakkasan history. I am always in awe of the accomplishments, victories, courage, bravery, and yes, “War Stories” of our Veteran Comrades. It is always humbling to know each of us had the opportunity to serve with the best, and of course, “Once a Rakkasan – Always a Rakkasan”. Watching our Warriors of today makes me even more proud that the legacy and history you all built, continues to live on. I hope you have opportunities to come back to Ft Campbell and visit with the BCT – I can assure you, it will raise your spirit and cause you to stand an inch taller.
In that context, we have many opportunities in the near future to celebrate re-deployments, reunions, and ceremonies. When approved for release and schedules are set, the BCT will publish all upcoming events. Hopefully, many of us we join together for the Annual Reunion this August in Grand Rapids, MI. I look forward to any opportunity to see you all again.
With Respect and Admiration. Let Valor Not Fail. Rakkasan.
Frank Wiercinski, HCOR